2016年5月5日 星期四

You're great .

You're great. 

In your childhood time, you always used CRY to solve anything.
When you fall down, you cry.
When you hungry, you cry.
When you wanna play, you cry.
When you want a new toy, you cry.
When you wish to go out, you cry.
Whatever condition you choose to cry. You believe that cry can solve everything.
Ya you believe that when you as a child.

You're great.
because YOU GROW UP

Day by day, month by month, year by year, then only you realize
crying does not solve everything.
When someone left in your life, you cry,
but then the person might not back to you again.
When someone broke up with you, you cry,
but then the person still walk away.
When you fail on exam paper, you cry,
but then you still fail the paper.
You grow up only understand that most of the time crying just a way
to express your feeling.
It did not playing a role that solve your problems at all.

However, there still some toughest part in your entire life.
You started feeling that things that happened really broken your heart.
You started crying a lots, but crying alone in bedroom.
You started become emo-queen or king whenever you are.
You started do not feels like doing anything except for sleeping.
You started no appetite and diet all the times.
You started keep yourself, hiding yourself facing the reality.
You started wishing that things happened just a dream, it is not real.
Well, it is not.

No more smiley face. No more happiness. No more laugh.
You no longer a happy "kid" .
You no longer be the one who you are.
You might asking hundred times why things happened, but then
it did not have any answer.
But then,
day by day, week by week, you found out that
you can't stay with this way to pass
your every single daily life.

You're great.
because YOU MOVE ON.

You think twice again. You change your mind.
Positive thinking replace the negative thinking in your brain.
By starting put smile in your face and realize that good things happen continuously.
You understand that everything happened for a reason.
Therefore, no matter how, which challenges you facing,
you started facing with a smile
and accept the challenges
deal with the challenges and you success.

Other than that, you found out that there were some bunch of people
dislike you.
Maybe because of your look, you face, or whatever reason.
You started questioning yourself
why they dislike you
why they do not want to be friend with you
why you always being alone
you lost yourself.

Hey, you. Yes, you, do you know that you're great enough?

You're great.
because WHO YOU ARE.

You no need pretend to be someone which everyone like.
It is because no matter how,
there will always with two situation like
Therefore, no need care for the others. 
Just be who you are.
Believe that, there always have someone or some people that like 
who you are.
Definitely will have such person in your life.

You're great. You always a great person.



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