2016年5月27日 星期五

Uni life

Many people always said that how wonderful they had in their university life. Well, for me. I guess it same tho. However, it still depends on who I be with.

Before I enter into uni life, I wish could get into new friends and make my network grow bigger and bigger. Well in the beginning, yea it might. But, slowly it doesn't. I started to see the real face of people, I started to hate seeing some real face of them, I started to avoid being together with them. This doesn't hard for me as I still alive even though I'm alone.

I happy as I can having my breakfast / lunch as whatever time I wish.
I happy as I can go library finding a comfortable place do whatever I want.
I happy as I can fully utilize the time while waiting the next class as whatever I wish to do.
I happy as I can listening my favorite music using my earphone at any place in the campus.
I happy as I can be myself. The only one. The real of me. m y s e l f .

I don't ever wanted those people that around me which pretend like me but in the heart they wish to pull me away.
I no need them come over or enter into my life.
I don't need either one of them.

Even though I always being alone in the campus, but luckily I still being happy in the hostel.
The laughter, the happiness, the craziness, the annoying moment and also the warmest.

Yea. Gonna reopen school and we gotta stay with each other, staying together being crazynesss. Let enjoy and appreciate the lovely moment. #fighting #lastsem



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