2017年8月31日 星期四

The Adventurers || Bad Genius

I guess if no ones ever date me for movie, me never ever have the desire to catch up a movie. I'm the one after watch the trailer and make a list said would go watch the movie when it release, but just forget the movie name and so on details after couple of hours.
Miracle only happen after it release, and my mind pop out and said : YAYAY. THIS WAS THE LAST TIME I SAID WANNA WATCH EHHHHH.  (feelings meh :/) 

2017年8月25日 星期五

Ingolf's Kneipe German Restaurant And Bar @ Tanjung Bungah, Penang

Hello. I didn't expect myself blogging with food post again.

This time was a dinner date with my #thepenangcrazygang.
Such a long time never hang out together with this bunch of people.
Last time, during semester break (either me or another one), we FOR SURE / AT MOST
went to cafe shop for chit and chat.
But, nowadays, due to this and that problem, each of us becomes
busy and busier life.
Alright. Is okay then. At least we're trying.

2017年8月14日 星期一


嗨。親愛的blogger.com我又再回來了!最後還是決定選擇放棄wix.com, 哪怕設計再美 也不是我喜歡的樣子。所以啊我徹底放棄,然後歸來這裡,最初的地方噢。

Okay then. Back to the topic

2017.08.14 ⁄⁄ Chilling Night 

美好的夜晚 你我的談笑風生

足以鑑定 足以證明


Side note : 把不愛喝咖啡的人 一直jio去喝咖啡 那是怎樣。