2017年4月8日 星期六


對我來說,服務業是一種讓人尊敬以及佩服的工作。那是因為無論顧客有什麼要求什麼疑問,他們都得一一去解決或者應付。即使碰見了刁難的顧客,蠻不講理 或者 不可理喻的顧客,他們還是得笑臉相迎。哪怕當天心情再怎麼不好,最終還是得笑笑面對顧客。上個月開始就在某商場做售票員,起初覺得只是收一收錢 說一說價錢罷了  難不倒我的。可是,最終還是難逃不了那些 形形色色的顧客。這無形中就形成了 我仿佛再次投入了服務業。

我講究將心比心。我曾經做過服務員 投入過服務業,所以我明白服務員的難處、在外的時候吃東西啊點餐之類 都會站在對方角度去想;因為我明白。不過,可恨的是這個世界上任然有一些人是不會站在對方角度去思考。一言一語的話語都不知不覺成為了言語暴力,那無聲無息 不間斷地傷害了他人。我不是生氣我只是不明白。為什麼有些活到那麼大年紀大人,言行舉止竟是如此、對我不尊重的態度。

Back to topic. I'm continue my post with my broken English which not to clearly mention about the company I currently working. This is to avoid that I might getting trouble for it. So just keep on going reading if you wanna know more.

In the beginning, I do not know about the details, the background or any information regarding the shopping mall. I just knew that it pop out in a sudden. During the semester break, I back to Penang then only know that oh a new shopping mall built which benefit for peoples (I guess).

After few month, my younger sister apply job in one of the shop in the mall. The salary quite okay, so I think it is nice been working at there. However, after some period of time only knew that the company not like others. There some different of it. Dad told me that the company it a money game which popular nowadays. In my mind, oh my gawd why and how come the company become so big business and could built a shopping mall.

Then, dad slowly explain and tell me more about it. I always avoid people from talking me investment, direct sales, insurance and so on. Not I don't believe it, but I just dislike the "sharing" . It is okay and fine if you write it in social medias like Facebook , Wechat and others to promote it. But, please please please do not come over pm me wish to have a sharing about all this stuff.

Back to topic again. I couldn't stand those people treat the founder like a god (當他是神來膜拜). It is seems like the founder really let those people earning money thru the fastest way. I understand how people wish to earn money in the fastest way. In the society seems has the fact that earning the most money represent as the most successful people. This is not true. A goal is a goal, no matter small goal or a big goal, its still as a goal.

I'm feel sad when more and more people involved in money game. And yet, those people still do not know that the "investment" they're joining was a money game. It is pretty sure when the company collapse in one day, it will affected many of families from many of countries around the world.

Sometimes, customers will telling me how good is the founder, but sending tons of money for them in a speed time. I will just smile and say okay / yalo / haha. Also some customers asking me to join the company and say no need to consider la, you see how successful is him by giving us so much money as rewards. Yes, I admit, people who join from the beginning time will earn a lots. But, do you know that, where the money come from? DO YOU KNOW?

My dad always telling me and my sister to be super duper careful when people come across with you about investment. We can't denied that return from investment is fast and high. But, we also have to know that what type of investment will be involved. They sure has a certain product or asset to invest. If no, then how come you able to get a profit / return. If there is money game, which means the money you get is from those new people who joining the "investment". Therefore, dad told me that in the future, if I wish to do investment, please make sure the source of return.

Sometimes, there will be some customers wish to break the company rules and speaking rude words to me. I totally angry with it. Come on, I'm the worker and have to obey the company rules, the do's and don'ts.  Somehow, they can't understand. For the first time, I been treated by those harsh words, I'm not happy with it. I'm just doing the job. Why you'll cannot understand it and speaking those words, but, slowly I accept it. Why I must let those customers ruined my mood. I can't, and I'll not. They came to teach me a lesson. They let me become stronger and smile to face everything.

Alright. I don't know what am I talking about, just a random post random feeling random update. FYI, I'm currently working as part time in a shopping mall. The reason? I wish to keep it for my family. That'll, thank you.



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